Educators from India at the Partisans' Panorama on the Yad Vashem Campus
A group of twenty senior educators from across India recently participated in a special seminar at Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies. The group included secondary school teachers, high school principals and university lecturers who teach a variety of disciplines. For many, it was their first trip outside of India. During the seminar, the group experienced in-depth tours of the Yad Vashem museums and campus, met with Holocaust survivors, and discussed historical and pedagogical questions with Holocaust researchers and educators.
"The young people in our country have to understand world history and respect every religion," commented one of the participants, a high school principal. The group attended lectures on a variety of topics, among them: using technology to teach the Holocaust, Nazi racial ideology and the ‘Jewish Question’, the ‘Final Solution’, and everyday life in the ghettos. They also had an opportunity to tour Jerusalem and other areas in Israel. The seminar took place with the support of the Adelson Family Foundation and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.