תמונת אילוסטרציה - המוזיאון לתולדות השואה ביד ושם

המכון הבין-לאומי לחקר השואה

האנציקלופדיה של הגטאות

מקורות נבחרים

General Reference works and histories

Memorial books collection, Yad Vashem Library
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities (Pinkas Hakehitot), (Hebrew), Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 1976-2005

Spector, Shmuel, ed . , The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust, New York University Press, New York 2001




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Bankier, David, & Israel Gutman (eds.), Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, Yad Vashem Jerusalem 2003 

Bartov, Omer, ed., he Holocaust, Origins, Implementation, Aftermath,    
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Bergen, Doris L., War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust, Lanham, Md., Rowman and Littlefield, 2003

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Browning, Christopher R., et al, Ghettos 1939-1945. New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Washington D.C 2005

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Browning, Christopher, The origins of the Final SolutionThe evolution of Nazi Jewish policy, September 1939 - March 1942, Heinemann, London 2004
Cole, Tim, Holocaust City, The Making of a Jewish Ghetto, Routledge, New York and London 2003
Dawidowicz, Lucy, The War Against the Jews, 1933—1945, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York 1975 
Dwork, Deborah, & Jan van Pelt, Robert, Holocaust: A history, W.W. Norton, New York 2002.

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Goetz, Aly & Heim Susanne, Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction,  Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 2002

Gutman, Israel, editor in chief, The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Macmillan, New York 1990.

Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews, Quadrangle Books, Chicago 1961 (definitive edition, Holmes and Meier, New York 1985)

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