Each year, Yad Vashem, via The International Institute for Holocaust Research, awards scholarships for MA and PhD research students, writing thesis papers on issues regarding the Holocaust.
The scholarships are given by foundations of institutes, organizations and private people who have profound interest in commemorating Holocaust victims and promoting research of WWII period.
Students who attend high education institutes in Israel, and whose research plan was approved, may apply for a scholarship.
The full application is to be submitted to the Institute for Holocaust Research, no later than December 31 of current year.
Only applications that were submitted by this deadline, and that meet the demands, as specified in the following form, will be brought to the Yad Vashem Scientific Committee.
You can submit you application via mail or e-mail: research.applications@yadvashem.org.il.
Applications will be discussed during February. Scholarship recipients will be notified by end of March 2024.
Scholarship recipients are obliged to submit 2 copies of their paper to the Yad Vashem library, and mention the scholarship Fund in a proper manner in any publication of the research.