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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

The Eichmann Trial

The Eichmann Trial Channel

The Eichmann Trial Channel

The Eichmann Trial Channel contains over 200 hours of trial sessions and a compilation of testimonies. The Channel is a joint effort between Yad Vashem and the Israel State Archives. To view the channel...

A Living Record. The Eichmann Trial

A Living Record. The Eichmann Trial

A Living Record brings the voices of 3 participants in the trial-Gabriel Bach, a member of the prosecution team, Mickey Gilad (Michael Goldman) an investigative officer in Bureau 06, and Israel Gutman, a witness at the trial. Documentary footage from the trial provides the historical background to their unique and moving experiences and perspectives. To view the film.

Related Resources

About the Eichmann Trial

About the Eichmann Trial

The trial of Adolf Eichmann, held in Jerusalem in 1961 and 1962, riveted the attention of the Israeli public and aroused great interest the world over. This was the first time that the Holocaust was presented to a competent judicial body in full detail, in all its stages and from all its aspects. Journalists from many countries converged upon Jerusalem to cover the trial, and international public opinion followed its course with concentration; the trial gave rise to discussions on a great variety of subjects, on the legal, social, educational, psychological, religious, and political levels. Continue reading