Yechiel (Ilya) Scheinboim was born in 1914 in Odessa, Ukraine. He was brought up by his grandmother in Kowel, Poland (today Ukraine), following the death of his mother. He studied at the Tarbut school and joined the Hechalutz Hatzair youth movement and the Hachsharah (pioneer training) kibbutz Klosowo. He studied to become an electrician at the Polytechnic School in Lwow and then enlisted in the Polish Army. During his army service, he was active in Hechalutz Hatzair and was penalized for this multiple times with imprisonment.

He was killed in battle on 1 September 1943, while fighting the Germans in the Vilna ghetto.
Yad Vashem Photo Archives 2921/130

Hall of names, Yad Vashem

As a mark of respect for Yechiel, Head of the Vilna ghetto Jacob Gens permitted his burial in the old cemetery, where the Vilna Gaon was buried.
Yad Vashem Photo Archive 2074/91a

Standing, from left: Elchanan Magid, Jacob Prener, Bluma Markowicz (killed by a German air attack two days after the photo was taken), Abba Kovner, Ruzka Korczak, Leib Szapirstein, Vitka Kempner
Below, from left: Gershon, Pesach Mizerecz, Motl Szames
The photo was taken by a military reporter from Moscow, after the fighting on the streets of besieged Vilna abated.
Yad Vashem Photo Archives CO5/121