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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

"...But Who Could I Pray For?" - The Story of Avraham Aviel

Avraham Aviel (Lipkonsky), born in 1929 in Dowgalishok, Poland. On 10 May 1942, Aviel and his family were taken together with the Jews of Radun (the village of the Rabbinic leader, the Chafetz Chaim) and the surrounding areas to be murdered in killing pits. His mother and brother Yekutiel (Koshka) were among those executed. Avraham and his brother Pinchas managed to escape. To Aviel’s great sorrow, Pinchas, who had survived the mass murder, was killed before his eyes while hiding in the Dowgalishok area. Avraham and his father found refuge with a Polish farmer, before he joined the partisans in 1943. That same year his father was killed. In 1945, Aviel traveled to northern Italy, and stayed at a Jewish children’s home in Salvino. From Italy, he set sail for pre-state Israel, aboard the illegal immigrant ship "Catriel Yafeh". The ship's entrance was blocked by the British, who forcibly directed it towards Cyprus. Following internment at a detention camp in Cyprus, Avraham arrived at Israel’s shores in 1946, and underwent absorption training at the Mishmar Hasharon kibbutz. At the beginning of 1948, Aviel joined the Sixth Battalion of the Palmach, and fought on the road to Jerusalem. In 1961, he appeared as a witness at the trial of former SS officer Adolf Eichmann, describing the liquidation of Radun as an example of the tragic story of the Jews of Belarus.

Selvino, Italy, Children sitting on the steps of the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Children sitting on the steps of the Children's Home

Selvino, Italy, Children sitting on the steps of the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Raising a Flag in the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Raising a Flag in the Children's Home

Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Raising a Flag in the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, A Holiday Meal (?) at the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, A Holiday Meal (?) at the Children's Home

Selvino, Italy, Postwar, A Holiday Meal (?) at the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Dining Room of the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Dining Room of the Children's Home

Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Dining Room of the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Jewish Brigade Soldiers with Children from the Children's Home
Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Jewish Brigade Soldiers with Children from the Children's Home

Selvino, Italy, Postwar, Jewish Brigade Soldiers with Children from the Children's Home
Tuvia Bielski
Tuvia Bielski

Tuvia Bielski
A group of partisans from different brigades guarding the airstrip in the Naliboki forest, July 1944
A group of partisans from different brigades guarding the airstrip in the Naliboki forest, July 1944

A group of partisans from different brigades guarding the airstrip in the Naliboki forest, July 1944
Vilna, Poland, Three partisans, 1944
Vilna, Poland, Three partisans, 1944

Vilna, Poland, Three partisans, 1944
The Partisan Hirschel Patzovsky, who fought with the Bielski Partisans
The Partisan Hirschel Patzovsky, who fought with the Bielski Partisans

The Partisan Hirschel Patzovsky, who fought with the Bielski Partisans
Mordechai Anielewicz, commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Mordechai Anielewicz, commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Mordechai Anielewicz, commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Belorussia, The partisan Moshe Kadovitz
Belorussia, The partisan Moshe Kadovitz

Belorussia, The partisan Moshe Kadovitz
Belorussia, N. Rogovski with Other Jewish Partisans
Belorussia, N. Rogovski with Other Jewish Partisans

Belorussia, N. Rogovski with Other Jewish Partisans
Belorussia, Three Jewish Partisans, from right to left: Kantorovich, Shalom Cholawski (center), Simcha Rosen
Belorussia, Three Jewish Partisans, from right to left: Kantorovich, Shalom Cholawski (center), Simcha Rosen

Belorussia, Three Jewish Partisans, from right to left: Kantorovich, Shalom Cholawski (center), Simcha Rosen