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Yad Vashem The Story of the Jewish Community in Würzburg

Würzburg During the Holocaust

The Jews of Würzburg 1939 – 1943

The End of the Jewish Community of Würzburg - Rabbi Dr. Sigmund (Shimon) Hanover's Letter

A letter sent by Rabbi Dr. Sigmund (Shimon) Hanover to Beno-Pinchas Sachs in England.

A letter sent by Rabbi Dr. Sigmund (Shimon) Hanover, District Rabbi of Wurzburg and the surrounding region to Beno-Pinchas Sachs in England.

Wurzburg, March 12, 1939

To Rabbi Pinchas Sachs,

Honored Sir! The time has come to say thank you to those deserving people who have assisted our community, which has been destroyed today. Amongst those people is your good self, Rabbi Pinchas son of Netanel. You took care of the poor; their troubles became your troubles, their concerns became your concerns. You were an advocate for the poor and oppressed, and also acted as our community's treasurer for several years, ensuring that our community wouldn’t collapse, G-d forbid. You used all your strength and energy to work for our community. And now, we must thank you: I therefore pronounce that from this day forward, you will be given the title of "Haver LeTorah".

May G-d help you and all your family, and bestow all good things upon you; May He send his angels before you, and bring you to a place of rest, tranquility and peace.

Respectfully yours,
Shimon Hanover

Yad Vashem, Document Archive O.75/1323

Rabbi Dr. Sigmund (Shimon) Hanover

Since 1920, Rabbi Dr. Hanover had been the chief rabbi of Wurzburg and the surrounding region.

Beno-Pinchas Sachs

In Wurzburg Sachs had sat on the boards of management of the Jewish hospital and old age home.

Sachs had left Wurzburg for Belgium. He then sailed aboard the final boat to leave Belgium on the 10th of May 1940 and reached England. His parents were sent to the East where they perished; two of his nephews survived. He died in England in 1952.