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Murder story of Stary Krym Jews in the Darin-Kale Ravine

Murder Site
Darin-Kale Ravine
Russia (USSR)
Murder site area at the foot of Bolshoy Agarmysh Mountain. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2011.
Murder site area at the foot of Bolshoy Agarmysh Mountain. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2011.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615591
According to one testimony, in December 1941 about 50 Ashkenazi and Krymchak Jews (mainly women, children, and the elderly) from Staryi Krym were shot to death at the Darin-Kale ravine area, ten meters from the ruins of a slaughterhouse, at the foot of the Bolshoy Agarmysh Mountain. After the shooting the bodies in the ravine were haphazardly covered with earth. Between December 1941 and February 1942 this was also a murder site of the remaining Jews from Staryi Krym and the nearby villages of Koktebel and Karagoz.
Related Resources
ChGK Soviet Reports from Stary Krym
... By questioning and by observing the site we, the undersigned, … have identified on the outskirts of Staryi Krym the burial sites of victims of the German-Fascist terror … civilians and prisoners of war between 1941-1944. The burial sites are located as follows: 1. At a ravine outside the town, ten meters from the ruins of the slaughterhouse, according to the testimonies of… [where] in 1941 [sic] about 105 Jews from Staryi Krim and nearby villages were shot to death. There is no grave at the burial site. After the shooting the bodies… in the ravine were haphazardly covered with earth….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-9-53 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19684
From the testimony of Nadezhda Urgarcheva, who was born in 1892 and was living in Koktebel village, near Staryi Krym, during the German-Romanian occupation:
... Raisa Gershun, who was born in 1878 and was Jewish, was working as a doctor's assistant with me for 12 years at a health clinic. Before the German occupation I advised her to leave, but she stayed in Koktebel village. In November 1941, under the German administration, the whole population was registered and the Jews had to wear white armbands on their sleeves as a distinguishing mark. Raisa too wore an armband and suffered because of it. On December 22, 1941 she, along some other Jews, … was taken by cart to Staryi Krym, guarded by the policeman Peter Stamov … there all the Jews were shot to death. On January 13, 1942, ... Orlov (the husband of Orlova [who was a Jew and was shot to death in December] met [members of] his family on January 13, at 10 a.m. His daughter told him to come [and take them] since they would be allowed to go home at 2 p.m. He came at 2 p. m, but they were already gone. They had all been shot to death. Orlov (who is Russian) told me about this on January 15. After his family was shot to death, he suffered greatly. He almost went mad....
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-9-53 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19684
From the testimony of Vasilisa Genova, who was born in 1905 and was living in Karagoz village, near Staryi Krym, during the German-Romanian occupation:
I knew Vera Kanson, who was about 30 years old and a teacher in Karagoz village, since her arrival here for work. … She arrived here on August 21 and was working here at the local school. Kanson was a Jew, but she concealed her Jewish identity… . Kanson stayed in the village under the German occupation. The school was closed. When she learned the Germans were killing Jews, Kanson destroyed all her documents, but these documents were required for all civilians. In order to get an internal passport, she went to Staryi Krym several times, but each time she returned without a document. Sometimes, on her way back home, she would drop in and saying with tears: "Nikitovoha, I don't have the strength to go for the documents, I just reach the town and turn back. I am afraid since I think that people know that I am Jewish and will catch me." Thus, she didn't obtain the document. She used to come to see me every day and …until the last day of her life she lived in fear of being shot to death, if not today then tomorrow. On December 25, 1941, when my daughter Valya, who was 11, was walking along the street, she saw a cart in which Kanson was sitting, guarded by the policeman Viktor Ingnatyev … This was in the morning, at 7….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-9-53 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19684
Darin-Kale Ravine
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)
Contemporary view of the Darin-Kale Ravine murder site of the Stary Krym Jews. Video by Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010 Yad Vashem Visual Center 14653801