Воскресенье-четверг: 8:30-17.00 Пятница и предпраздничные дни: 8.30-14.00.
Яд Вашем закрыт по субботам и в дни израильских праздников
Воскресенье-четверг: 8:30-17.00 Пятница и предпраздничные дни: 8.30-14.00.
Яд Вашем закрыт по субботам и в дни израильских праздников
Центральная База данных имен евреев, уничтоженных во время Шоа (Холокоста), создана и размещена в Интернете благодаря поддержке частных лиц и организаций. Яд Вашем выражает глубокую признательность и благодарность всем нашим спонсорам.
Фонд НАДАВ в сотрудничестве с Керен Аесод
Фонд НАДАВ был создан в 2003 году по инициативе Леонида Невзлина, Владимира Дубова и Михаила Брудно в сотрудничестве с Керен Аесод (Фонд в поддержку Израиля) для оказания помощи проектам, цель которых – укрепление связей между государством Израиль и еврейским народом в диаспоре, формирование еврейского самосознания и развитие еврейского образования среди молодых евреев, а также академическое изучение истории евреев России и Восточной Европы.
Среди основных проектов фонда: развитие Музея диаспоры как всемирного центра еврейского народа; центр Невзлина в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме по изучению истории евреев России и Восточной Европы; исследовательские центры в в Москве, Вильнюсе и Киеве; программа Невзлина в Тель-Авивском университете по исследованию современной еврейской культуры и поддержка проектов «Таглит» и «МАСА».
По решению федерального судьи США Эдварда Кормана, проект Ассоциации швейцарских банков «Списки владельцев счетов-жертв нацизма» (the Victim List Project of the Swiss Banks Settlement) призван выявить и обнародовать имена владельцев счетов, физически или морально пострадавших вследствие преследований нацистов: евреев, цыган, Свидетелей Иеговы, гомосексуалистов, оставшихся в живых или убитых, чтобы увековечить их память, а также для проведения научных исследований.
$10 million of the $1.25 billion Settlement Fund has been reserved for the following types of activities under the Court’s direction:
The Court has appointed Dr. Wesley A. Fisher as Executive Director. In consultation with experts in the collection or digitization of the names of Victims or Targets of Nazi persecution, the Executive Director may recommend specific activities for funding to Special Master Judah Gribetz and Deputy Special Master Shari C. Reig, and consequently to Judge Korman. At the Court’s request, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (“Claims Conference”) is providing technical and administrative support.
At present priority concerns are the establishment of large-scale database containers that can accommodate the disparate types of lists of Jewish and non-Jewish Victims or Targets of Nazi persecution and the establishment of a comprehensive integrated catalog of all lists, not only historical-archival lists but also “testimonial” lists such as those resulting from the 600,000 questionnaires received in regard to the Swiss Banks Settlement itself. The Court understands that due to privacy and other considerations, it may not be possible to make all information public immediately.
The Victim List Project was approved in November 2000 as part of the Plan of Allocation and Distribution of Settlement Proceeds and is unrelated to the proposals presented in 2004 for the Court’s consideration concerning the use of possible residual funds.
In this personal word we would like to explain a couple of personal feelings regarding our donation to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum.
Both my brother and myself grew up in the global ICT business. In 1978 we founded the Baan Company (https://www.baan.com) and at the moment we are the major shareholders of the Vanenburg Group (https://www.vanenburg.com).
Due to the strong position of Israel in the ICT-sector we decided to enlarge our investment portfolio in Israel, and have invested in several hi-tech companies.
But our relationship with Israel is based on much more than only business reasons. With our Christian background we are very much interested in the history of the Bible and that gives us in many respects a strong solidarity with the culture and people in Israel.
Except business investments in Israel we are very pleased that we are able to contribute with our NOABER-foundation (https://www.noaber.com) to a variety of projects in the charity field as well. NOABER is an old Dutch word that means "Neighbour". The main objective of the NOABER foundation is to Improve the Community of Tomorrow's World (ICT) with the help of Information and Communication Technology. We use the slogan "ICT for ICT".
We feel very honoured to have had the opportunity to become a partner in the project for the computerization of the archive system of Yad Vashem. Not only the scope of the project fits very well in the objectives of the NOABER foundation, but there is a much deeper motivation as well. The fact that due to the computerization of the archive system we are now able to "broadcast" via the internet all the history of the holocaust in a global and intensive way is in our opinion a huge break-through.
We were deeply impressed when we saw for the first time the old archive system with all the detailed documents and data representing the painful suffering of so many innocent Jewish individuals. At that moment we strongly felt that we had to do our utmost to give as many as possible people access to this information. Information and Communication Technology is a very good way to help transfer legacy data into information and knowledge that's accessable for the global community in order to learn from it. With this project we feel that we are promoting the resurrection of the victims from the holocaust, as the old archive system has become already "alive".
At the moment over two million visitors are visiting Yad Vashem on a yearly basis but from now we are offering the "cyber-visitor" the possibility to visit Yad Vashem. We are positive that this will increase the number of visitors to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum tremendously. Above all we wish that God will give mankind the wisdom to avoid such terrible actions in the future.
The good news:
The Yad Vashem website had recently undergone a major upgrade!
The less good news:
The page you are looking for has apparently been moved.
We are therefore redirecting you to what we hope will be a useful landing page.
For any questions/clarifications/problems, please contact: webmaster@yadvashem.org.il
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