Young Christian Leaders Gather at Yad Vashem

The second Christian Leadership Seminar for Young Leaders was held at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem in June 2017. Funding for the seminar was generously made available by the Museum of The Bible, Washington DC under its President Cary Summers. The seminar was highly successful and an amazing experience for all.


The seminar had a total of 25 participants with periodic additional attendees. Participants came from eleven countries worldwide including places as diverse as Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Norway, Romania and South Korea.


 Our main mission was to not only provide these young leaders with a sound academic experience, but also with a significant emotional experience. We wanted to connect them with the Jewish roots of their faith, Israel and Yad Vashem's mission. These are the future “movers and shakers” within the Christian community. Many of these young people come from a community that used to be very pro-Israel, but this unfortunately is changing. Therefore now is the time to reach these young people and accurately inform them about the history of the Holocaust and its significance.


The participants were impressed with the depth of their experience at Yad Vashem- the quality of the lecturers that they met- the questions they raised and the problems that Israel and the wider world face today. For many this was their first visit to Israel - a significant experience that will long be remembered.


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