Moving encounter with survivor at Schindler's Grave

Every year since 2010, thirty Christian leaders from around the world meet at Yad Vashem's International School for Holocaust Studies around the time of Yom HaShoah. During the ten-day course, these leaders from a variety of denominational backgrounds study the Holocaust, Antisemitism and Israel Today with leading worldwide experts and Holocaust survivors. We are deeply grateful to the Museum of the Bible, Washington, D.C as well as the German and USA branches of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, ICEJ for sponsoring the Christian Leadership Seminar of April 2017.


One of the highlights of this year's course was a visit to the grave of Oskar Schindler, whose name became known worldwide following the film Schindler's List. A Jewish survivor, whose name was on Schindler’s List, spoke at the grave. Another highlight was the official state ceremony on the Eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Additional international Christian leaders came to Yad Vashem as our guests on the Eve of the Holocaust Remembrance Day in which six Holocaust survivors light six torches to remember the six million Jews who perished. This took place in the presence of the highest political leadership of the State of Israel and was followed by a wreath-laying ceremony the next morning. These events were an incredibly moving experience for our international guests.


If you would like to participate in Holocaust education and learning, to understand more and to become personally involved, please, contact us by email: