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Murder Story of Staro Konstantinov Jews at the Military Camp near Starokonstantinov

Murder Site
Military Camp near Starokonstantinov
Ukraine (USSR)
In August 1941, Germans brought several trucks of Jews from Starokonstantinov to the field near the cavalry barracks and, after humiliating them, took the sick and the elderly and shot them. The rest of the Jews were released back to the town. On May 20, 1942, the Jews were ordered to assemble in the town square near the power plant, from where they were taken to the field near the cavalry barracks. The rest were forced to undress and, after taking out the specialists, the Germans made the Jews run onto logs placed over the ditch. While running across the logs, they were shot.
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German Reports from Staro Konstantinov
August 21, 1941 Operational Situation Report USSR No. 59 ... Einsatzgruppe C ... ...After the German troops entered Starokonstantinov (the present seat of the SS, the Police Chief and the Military Commander of the Rear Area), Jews were employed to clean the barracks. Since the Jews did not report for work, the military authorities had to round up the Jewish labor force early in the day. The Jews were impertinent and even refused to work. Out of about 1,000 Jews recruited for field work, only 70 appeared the following day. Moreover, it was established that harvesters were sabotaged. Finally, the Jewish Council of Elders spread the rumor that the Russians were advancing again, whereupon the Jews publicly threatened and abused the Ukrainians. Finally it was established that Jews were conducting a flourishing trade with stolen cattle and goods. In reprisal, the First SS Brigade carried out an action against the Jews, in the course of which 300 male and 139 female Jews were shot ....
Arad, Yitzhak, Krakowski, Shmuel and Spector, Shmuel. The Einsatzgruppen reports : selections from the dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' campaign against the Jews July 1941-January 1943 . New York : Holocaust Library, 1989, p. 100.
Military Camp near Starokonstantinov
former military base
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)