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Murder story of Kortelisy Jews in the Młynowo Area

Murder Site
Młynowsko Area
According to one account, one day, apparently in the summer of 1942, a German unit which had arrived in Kortelisy drove all of its Jewish residents out of their houses. Afterwards these several dozen Jews, including women and children, were taken on foot to a field on the outskirts of the neighboring village of Młynowo. According to the same source, upon their arrival at the murder site, the victims were made to dig a pit where a German unit shot them to death, together with Jews from Młynowo.
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Irina Gerel, who was born in 1922 and lived near Kortelisy during the war years, related:
[Question]: Tell me please, when did it [the murder] take place, approximately [since], I understand that you can't give us the exact date… [Answer]: … maybe in 1942. [Question]: Was it in the summer, fall, winter, or spring? [Answer]: They were shot to death in the summer, yes, in the summer. [Question]: Tell me please, in the summer of 1942 were the pits dug then or were there already [anti-tank] trenches there? [Answer]: There were fields… I didn't see it but … [non-Jewish] neighbors [told me] that they [the Germans] took them [Jews] and made them dig a pit… [Question]: They themselves dug the pit? [Answer]: It is possible that they dug the pit by themselves, yes. And they were buried there on the hill near the road. [Question]: Do you know whether they were stripped naked before being shot? [Answer]: I don't know, maybe the neighbors know… [Question]: They were about 40 people, is that right, or even more? [Answer]: They were perhaps more than 40, I can't say exactly how many they were … [Question]: Tell me, who did the shooting – [Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen or Germans? [Answer]: Germans. [Question]: Germans by themselves? [Answer]: Germans by themselves. … They came [to the village] dressed in civilian clothes. This was done on purpose to catch them [Jews] … that's what people said. … And they [Germans] entered each house and those [Jews] whom they saw they took away with them alive … . [Question]: Did the Germans come in trucks? [Answer]: Yes, in trucks, that's what people said.… [Question]: So they [Jews] were driven out of their houses and all taken there, is that right? [Answer]: Yes, they were driven there [to the field]…
Młynowsko Area
Murder Site