Sunday to Thursday: 09:00-17:00
Fridays and Holiday eves: 09:00-14:00
Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.
Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.
10:00-12:30 |
Session 1 |
Opening Remarks: |
Dan Michman, Head of the International Institute for Holocaust Research and Incumbent of the John Najmann Chair of Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem; Bar-Ilan University |
Chair: |
Arkadi Zeltser, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Peter Klein, Touro College Berlin Joachim Tauber,University of Hamburg |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30-15:30 |
Session 2 |
Chair: |
Iael Nidam-Orvieto, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Kai Struve, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Kiril Feferman, Ariel University |
10:00-12:00 |
Session 3 |
Chair: |
Dina Porat, Chief Historian of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem; Kantor Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Diana Dumitru, Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, Germany Adrian Cioflâncă, The Center for the Study of Jewish History, Bucharest |
12:00-13:00 |
LunchBreak |
13:00-15:00 |
Session 4 |
Chair: |
Joel Zisenwine, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Babette Quinkert, House of the Wannsee Conference. Memorial and Educational Site Leonid Rein, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Concluding Remarks |
With the generous support of The Moshe Mirilashvili Center for Research on the Holocaust in the Soviet Union
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