Dr. Yaacov Lozowick, Director of the Archives Division, shows the Kerrys documents listing the names of Kerry's relatives deported to Terezin

Alexander Avraham, Director of the Hall of Names, shows Cameron and Kathy Kerry the Central Database for Shoah Victims' Names
15 July 2004
Cameron Kerry, brother of Democratic Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry, recently visited Yad Vashem with his wife Kathy Weinman. Following a tour of the Historical Museum and the Children's Memorial, the Kerrys spent time in the Hall of Names where they were shown Yad Vashem's Central Database for Shoah Victims' Names, scheduled to go online on the Yad Vashem website in Fall 2004. From the Hall of Names, they proceeded to the Yad Vashem Archives where they viewed the documents listing the deportation of members of Kerry's family to Theresienstadt.